The school reopens

Today, June 1, 2020, the Sacred Art School has reopened its doors and restarted the courses, thus beginning the recovery of teaching in presence painting, sculpture and goldsmith workshops. Specialization diplomas will be delivered at the end of July.

This morning the students, teachers and staff were welcomed by the President, Stefania Fuscagni, who streamed from Brussels and wanted to be so present, thanking for the work done in recent months electronically regarding theoretical subjects and also experimenting a distance drawing course. The didactic continuity and the relationship with the students were thus guaranteed to everyone.

Sincere thanks to Cristina Grieco, Councilor for Education of the Tuscany Region, for making possible the reopening of our school, always in the most careful respect of all the anti-contagion rules established for the current phase.

We can therefore say that we have reopened safely and cheerfully.

Relevant Radio talks about the Sacred Art School

The Sacred Art School Firenze told by Fernando Cidoncha at the American radio station Relevant Radio.

Relavant Radio is the largest Catholic radio network based on its own stations. The broadcast aired on the morning of March 7, 2020 and was listened to by about 2 million people.

More details on Relavant Radio’s website

GETSEMANI - Sofia Novelli - 2016

Dear students

Dear students, 
the situation we are going through is challenging Italy as well as the world, without exception of the Sacred Art School Firenze. In this respect, you can find all updates about law and health measures on the official websites of the Governo Italiano, the Protezione Civile and the Regione Toscana1. In order to help resolve the emergency faster, please make sure to follow the precautionary standards carefully, but with a positive attitude. Indeed, this time asks us for a new way of living a normal life, though temporarily.

This letter, however, does not aim to overlap the technical directions given by the Government or by experts. We would like instead to share with you some reflections on what sense the current events can make for us, as a School community.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) is spreading during Lent, the liturgical time when Christians focus on questions like who are we for God, who is God for us, what are the true values of life, what is the meaning of all we do during our existence.

The fact we cannot meet at School, for now, is obviously a problem. But, if we want, we can convert the problem to an opportunity, for us as well as for our neighbour. This can happen in the wake of the great questions of Lent, by getting a better understanding of the reasons why we chose the Sacred Art School for doing our part in this world, for being its salt and light, for leaving our mark on the ways of the earth. 

Lent teaches us that the path of Calvary brings, through the Cross, to Resurrection. Thus, the School looks forward because every crisis is to end somehow, but it can also be the opportunity to strengthen what we built on rock. Let us set more solidly then, with more self-awareness, on the mystery why the good Lord brought us to life here and now, and why He presented us with the School. 

Ask yourself how you can practise art despite necessarily at home, how you can keep your creativity alive, how you can better go along the path you wish. Let us ask ourselves what we need as men and women approaching the world of sacred art and culture, and what the world lacks when it seeks Truth too often without finding it. Finally, how can the School help you answer all that? 
Meanwhile we will be keeping in touch thanks to a new mean of “experimental education”, by providing you with online classes both pre-recorded and live. Anyway, all teachers will be available via telephone and the internet. Do not hesitate to contact them for every need: the Sacred Art School keeps being your reference point. 

We express our solidarity to ill people, to the victims’ families and to health workers. We are grateful to the School staff, who allows us to manage the current situation. We ask all believers to pray for the people involved in the events, but also and more to pray for our School community. Let us get prepared this way for the Resurrection of Christ, and for restarting our normal activities. They are so important for Mankind, at the quest for the sacred dimension of life. 

We wish you and your beloved ones all the best, looking forward to seeing you soon. 
Sincerely, Nacho 


“Medal of Stenone 2019” awarding.

Liturgical memory of Blessed Niccolò Stenone

Anatomist Geologist Bishop
(Copenhagen 1638 – Schwerin 1686)


Holy Mass

Thursday, December 5, 2019 | 18:00 hours

Concelebration chaired by
mons. Marco Domenico Viola

Prize “Medal of Stenone 2019”

Prof. Francesco Paganini and students of the School of Sacred Art of Florence

Doct. ssa Fulvia Zeuli

Mons. Timothy Verdon

P. Gheorghij Blatinskij

Reliquary of the Blessed Niccolò Stenone, work created by Maestro Francesco Paganini with the students of the School of Sacred Art

Teachings 2019/2020

I quattro canoni della composizione: Introduzione al corso di Anthony visco

The Four Canons of Composition

The full course of 6 sessions will start on December 10th

For more information visit the course page


Nature is a resplendent composition and all compositions have a foundation in the Creation.

Even the most invented composition has a correlation somewhere in the cosmos. By looking at the creation of the cosmos we will begin to understand the nature of composition and the composition of nature.

Although there are countless compositions, they all share the same universal principles which are the Four Canons of Composition

In the course “The Four Canons of Composition” we will explore this fascinating world.


Anthony Visco, curatore del corso

ANTHONY VISCO is the founder and director of The Atelier for the Sacred Arts in Philadelphia where he does commission works and offers professional services as devotional art consultant.
Upon graduation from the University of the Arts, formerly, Philadelphia College of Art, he was the recipient of the Fullbright–Hayes Grant to travel and study in Italy, where he attended studios at the Accademia delle Belle Arti in Florence.
His current commissions there include bronze Stations of the Cross, a series of porcelain murals for the Rosary Walk, the Four Pendentives murals depicting The Doctors of the Church, the Baldicchino Angels, and the Narthex ceiling mural of “The Visions of Guadalupe”.

He taught anatomy, relief and symbolism at the Sacred Art School of Florence.

When and Where

The course will take place from the 10th until the 21st of December at the Sacred Art School, see below for registration.

The seminar to introduce “The Four Canons of Composition” held by Master Anthony Visco, the course instructor, will take place on Friday November 23, 2018 (from 15.00 to 18.00) at the Sacred Art School Firenze.

Languages: Italian and English.

FREE ENTRANCE* prior registration via email writing at or by filling in the form below

*until full capacity is reached

Registration Form

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